*Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that
but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.*
~Mark Twain~
My lucky streak of sleeping all night has ended sadly. I woke up at 4:30am this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I like to call 3-4 am my fibro witching hour. I always wake up around that time & can’t go back to sleep during insomnia phases. Yesterday I was leaning forward to let hubby put a icy/hot patch on my mid-back and pulled a muscle in my lower back. UGH! Been tough to move. Otherwise I’m doing well today.
It’s Labor Day today which means no work or school for the family. I’m working away on my baby (Crafters with Love). It’s growing every day and it just amazes me the response I am seeing. Everything I attempt to do for it to grow is taking off. Every day I’m pleasantly surprised with new ideas, offers and willingness of other people to want to learn more about it and help. I have another crafter on board, my best friend Kathy, who makes amazing jewelry. I’m also in the process of getting confirmation back from 3 more who have offered.
Let me also say that I am forever grateful to my friend John for all his time, advice and efforts in helping me. Roxie, who has lent her talents to the cause as well as wonderful ideas to promote it. Amy, for her gorgeous painting talents & Dawn along with everyone on Twitter & Facebook for passing the word along.
All of this is proof positive that the “feel good” chemicals in the brain help get rid of pain.. Since Crafters with Love has taken such a tremendous leap recently, my pain has been a lot less. I’m more tired, of course, but that’s ok. It’s worth it because at the end of every day my heart and soul beams with pride at the accomplishments I & my team have made toward our goal.
My team= my most loving and caring friends who are working right beside me on their own time toward bettering Crafters with Love. If in the end, all my efforts fail with the charity (which will not happen) I still have learned who my true friends are and know that they believe in me. AMAZING people that I’ve never even shaken hands with. It’s so great to still be able to believe in the human spirit and people after having spent a lifetime of being able to count on no one.
Funny thing, someone asked me if I was working today and when I replied that I have too many health problems to work they naturally & sweetly apologized, immediately my response was “don’t be sorry, my health problems were just a redirection.” I’m not working as a nurse like I hoped to be, but I’m doing something just as good if not better. Better, because it’s all on my own and nothing is expected of me that I can’t give.
I didn’t like to blog about Fibro before (and probably why I haven’t formed that new habit I wrote about before) because I always felt like I was complaining. Now I’m finding I WANT to blog. For the first time since becoming sick, I have exciting stuff to say that over rides the bad stuff happening to my body. I hated when people asked how I was feeling because I had nothing positive to say. On my worst days, when it was really tearing me down emotionally I kept it inside because I didn’t want to depress anyone with those bad thoughts & feelings. I felt like I had nothing to look forward to the next day except maybe a glimmer of hope that I would feel better. Every day I wake up now since my charity has taken off, even if my body lets me down and I have to stay in bed the whole day… I can say I accomplished something great and still have something else to look forward to.
What a blessing of love I’ve been given.. giving and receiving each and every day.
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