Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feeling yucky...

I’ve tried to avoid talking about how my body feels. I cried much of Sunday and woke up Monday with an owie head. Then Monday I cooked and cleaned in preparation for guests…plus had several other visitors during the day. I was tired from morning to night. Last night I had massive night sweats. Tuesday morning the upstairs dogs barked until I went nuts.

Normally, I would not drive to town when it’s raining, I don’t feel well and I don’t have much money or a pressing need. I drove today just to get away from here. As usual, people rushed to steady me, to help me do things and to open doors. In one sense, that is very sweet. In another it just makes me feel even older and more decrepit.

The whole trip from beginning to end was less than 2  hours. By the time I got in my van to come home from town, my arms and legs were tremoring like crazy. For the last month or so I have been having more frequent and sometimes debilitating fasiculations and even bigger muscle twitches. The muscles firing over and over wear me out! It’s as if I were doing real physical labor when I twitch so much.

I hate it when my toes curl, the thighs cramp and my knees won’t flatten from the twitches, swolleness and cramps. Or my “favorite”…when my hands spasm and I can’t flatten my hand out. Super owies!

My legs have been swelling. Tonight my right leg/ankle is so swollen that my very loose sweat pants are way too tight there. Incredible! The leg is getting redder and hotter by the hour I used to get blood clots and cellulitis, so I need to pay particular attention.

Earlier I had violent chills. Now I am burning up. Chronic diseases are so much fun….NOT!

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