The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. This system is the master system that controls muscle movement and pain sensation in the body. The housing around the central nervous system is the head and spine. Injuries to the head and spine can interfere with the nervous system’s ability to regulate normal body function, causing many symptoms. Mechanical injury to the nervous system is an often over-looked culprit in causing symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.
Here is a story of a teacher who visited Licata Chiropractic: NUCCA Spinal Care in Arcadia, CA 12 years after being forced to retire because of severe symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.
I suffered with chronic pain and fatigue, migraine headaches, sciatica, and digestive disorders. I had very few good days. Life was a constant overwhelm, and I lived in constant pain and fatigue. I have had 12 years of total disability.
I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on supplements, acupuncture, chinese herbs, alternative therapies, massage, and regular chiropractic.
Now that I am with the Licata Clinic, I have a lot less pain and NO MIGRAINES. I am able to sleep without pain. My body is still re-aligning, I actively stretch and I walk on a daily basis.
I now ALSO have more ability to focus on paperwork, drive without head, neck and shoulder pain. I can even actually enjoy some hobbies. The best, though, is being able to sleep and have a lot less pain. I still have Fibromyalgia, but my abilities are more “normal” and I have less fatigue!!!
My life has been given back to me as a result of being here. What a privilege to find the answers here!
-Joyce C (Teacher, artist)
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