Friday, March 19, 2010

Too Busy To Spend Time With God

To-do list book.

“Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11)

Check… Check… Check. Just checking off the zillion things I want to get done today. I have check-lists for making check-lists. Can you tell I struggle with prioritizing my day? I have a list of things I really want to get done – especially if I am feeling good that day. My second problem is if I overdo it, it takes me days (or longer) to physically recover. Usually, because of the fatigue, the things I had wanted to get done in the first place fall to the wayside and are in worse shape than they were in the beginning! And I typically don’t spend time with God either.

Every time this happens I ask myself, “Bridget, why do you do this to yourself!?” I guess I feel I would be a failure if I couldn’t work full time and get all my personal things done too. I want to be able to handle housework, working, and ministry without any outside help. Unfortunately, I am not able to do that, and I hate it! I’m sure you have felt the same way.

I need to ask God for help in prioritizing my day. I need to spend time with Him first and ask Him what I should work on that day. I know that when I stay under God’s protection, my soul will yearn for Him and not all these other things. I certainly want to be a good steward of the time and resources God has given me. But, I don’t need to push myself over my limit to check those things off my list. God has to be my priority if I am going to be able to function at all.

What about you? Are you trying to do too much? Take some time right now to talk to God about it.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for being my dwelling place and my place of refuge. When my life starts to get out-of-hand, help me to put you first so I’ll know how to prioritize my daily activities. Amen.

About the Author:

Bridget Gazlay resides in the beautiful West Michigan. She struggles with Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, IBS, arthritis and migraines. She works full time but writes and designs fabric cards on the side. Bridget’s prayer is for readers who come across her writing or fabric cards to see that she allows, “God’s creation to be my inspiration.” You can reach Bridget at: or

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Surrendering My Story

Hardcover book gutter and pages

“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” John 21:25

I thought what would happen if . . . I went to a library, pulled out a book, found a comfortable chair, and sat down and began to read. Totally engrossed I continued until chapter 9. As I turned the page to begin the next I found all the remaining pages blank. Thinking there must be a publishing error I seek another copy and find the same thing. An unfinished book. How would I ever know how this story ended?

Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis is much like this. We are busy with our lives planning our days and even our future. Then suddenly it all comes to a halt. All the words of the remaining chapters of our lives fall from the pages and we are left with a sense of deep loss. Now what?

But after reading this verse I thought perhaps I need to allow Jesus to finish my story. If He did so many things, that written down there would not be enough room in the whole world, then certainly He could do the same for me.

Maybe–just maybe–allowing Him to pen my moments; each day a new line, page or even a chapter I would see a new life unfolding. Not the one I had envisioned but something unique and possibly life changing.

My lost confidence in my body has been replaced with a new confidence in the Lord. It is His story. It was never really mine and now finally laying my unfinished life at the foot of the cross I can at last receive the much needed rest that comes from surrender.

About the Author:

Catherine Barron lives in Sheridan, Montana. She is semi retired and loves to read, write and her latest hobby outdoor photography although her first love will always be the word of God. She considers her fibromyalgia a formidable unrelenting teacher.

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Chronic Migraines, Fibromyalgia and Sciatica helped with NUCCA care.

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system.  This system is the master system that controls muscle movement and pain sensation in the body.  The housing around the central nervous system is the head and spine.  Injuries to the head and spine can interfere with the nervous system’s ability to regulate normal body function, causing many symptoms.  Mechanical injury to the nervous system is an often over-looked culprit in causing symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Here is a story of a teacher who visited Licata Chiropractic: NUCCA Spinal Care in Arcadia, CA 12 years after being forced to retire because of severe symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

I suffered with chronic pain and fatigue, migraine headaches, sciatica, and digestive disorders.  I had very few good days.  Life was a constant overwhelm, and I lived in constant pain and fatigue.   I have had 12 years of total disability.

I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on supplements, acupuncture, chinese herbs, alternative therapies, massage, and regular chiropractic.

Now that I am with the Licata Clinic, I have a lot less pain and NO MIGRAINES.  I am able to sleep without pain.  My body is still re-aligning, I actively stretch and I walk on a daily basis.

I now ALSO have more ability to focus on paperwork, drive without head, neck and shoulder pain.  I can even actually enjoy some hobbies.  The best, though, is being able to sleep and have a lot less pain.  I still have Fibromyalgia, but my abilities are more “normal” and I have less fatigue!!!

My life has been given back to me as a result of being here.  What a privilege to find the answers here!

-Joyce C (Teacher, artist)


Monday, March 8, 2010

God Knows Who We Are


I wanna hold your hand

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 8:38 & 39 NIV)

Valentines Day has come and gone. But remembering back as a sweet elderly couple’s memory tousled through my mind to another time and day tears filled my eyes.

He lovingly read to her by her bedside at the nursing home where they resided. She didn’t give him eye contact as he glanced at her lovely pale face and sky blue eyes. Her stare was caught in time, and her illness was Alzheimer’s.

When asked “Does she know you?” His answer was “No she doesn’t know me, but I know who she is.”

How like our Heavenly Father. Many times we wear a mask to cover who we are or what we have been through that has hurt us, but our precious Daddy God knows our heart and knows our feelings.

God, like the dear husband in this story, knows us better than we know ourselves. He sees into the windows of our soul, and He loves us so deeply that we can never comprehend the depth or the measurement of such a great love.

Such love, such magnificent love. Thank you, God, for your abiding and caring love. Help us daily to see your endless and unconditional love for us.

Pastor Nancy Dittert (Founder of Fibro/Chronic Pain Support Group Ministry) lives in a Berm home in Rural Central Iowa with her husband & soul mate Patrick. Nancy lives with Severe Fibromyalgia, Absence Seizures and Neuropathy. She is actively involved as a Christian freelance writer and works full time in Chronic Pain Ministry through the Internet. Write Nancy at and visit her Chronic Pain Web Site at

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Friday, March 5, 2010

The Pain Diaries - Tickets on Sale NOW


I have been trying to get the word out about this AMAZING play!  For those who don’t already know, The Pain Diaries is a play written by a lovely lady who has a career as an administrator for a Pain Clinic.  She is also a published author, and was moved to write a play based on the lives of people who suffer from chronic pain.  Deb Nicholson has been working VERY hard to launch this play, and I for one, think that this is a fascinating way to increase awareness, understanding, and hope.  The Vagina Monologues started as an idea, and has ended up on stages around the world… my hope is that THIS play will do the same.

This is a Calgary based play, and tickets are on sale now.  If you are in the Calgary area and would like to attend the play, PLEASE let me know, as I am trying to get a group of us together, and make a night of it! :)

You can find The Pain Diaries Facebook page here -and- their website is here, just follow the links provided if you would like more information.

Opening Night is Friday May 7th, and I would LOVE to be there as the curtain goes up, and this play makes history!! I honestly believe it can!!  Does anyone want to join me??


Monday, March 1, 2010

Sleep Disturbance and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease impacting the muscles and tissues of the body. The pain of this disease is diffuse, and patients experience pain and sensitivity throughout the body.

The patient suffering from this disorder is fatigued by simple activities and his touch sensitivity to even the lightest touch increases abnormally.

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Sufferers develop tender points on his/her body that respond instantaneously to pain.

The exact causes and development of fibromyalgia has been a mystery for a very long time now and neither its causes nor its treatment have been found.

Investigators have only proposed theories for the causes of this disease. The risk factors for this disease include the gender of the patient, the age, and his/her genetic predisposition.

The occurrence of this disorder is more frequent in women than in men and the ratio is 9:1. The good thing about this condition is that is not fatal, though it does cause significant distress for the person suffering from it.

Natural pain relief supplements can offer fibromyalgia pain relief


Fibromyalgia has been linked to disturbed sleep patterns and also insomnia. It is not an exaggeration to say that fibromyalgia and sleep disorders go hand in hand.

It has been estimated that that eighty percent of the sufferers experience some kind of disturbed sleep pattern with Fibromyalgia.

The disorder of fibromyalgia makes the patient exhausted and fatigued. The disturbed sleep pattern in fibromyalgia further aggravates the symptoms in the patient.

The human sleeping behavior follows a distinct pattern and there are stages in the sleep. In the fourth stage of sleep there is the deep sleep when the nervous system works to replenish the neurochemicals.

But in the sufferers of fibromyalgia this stage is disturbed by pain and there is because of this a certain P substance is released in the spinal cord which creates feelings of pain the body. Thus patients with fibromyalgia do not get enough deep sleep and their bodies remains under fatigue and stress.

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

When the patient does not get adequate sleep his symptoms increase and the feeling of fatigue is thus the general complaint of fibromyalgia patients.

When the nervous system cannot replenish, the muscles start to experience muscle pain and even muscle ache.

Normal sleep leaves the healthy individual feeling refreshed but a FMS patient constantly feels tired and exhausted.

Thus the lack of sufficient sleep makes the disease symptoms worse.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Ummm.... Ouch!!!

That is pretty much the only thing that is on my mind right now…. ummmm…….. OUCH!!!!

I pushed myself a little too hard yesterday…. I knew I was pushing it too – but it felt good at the time… not so much now!  Yikes…

By bedtime last night, I KNEW I was in trouble!!

So today is going to be a pretty quiet one I think.  I am still in bed, propped up with my favorite pillows, the Olympics playing on the TV(muted, but that is about as much background noise as I can take), and I have all my gadgets beside me… my Blackberry, My iPod, and my brand NEW Sony Touch Reader (I AM SO EXCITED!!  THAT is one of the reasons why I pushed it too hard yesterday, I walked down to the store to buy it!).  I have a nice cold coke on my bedside table which I am trying to enjoy (Caffeine sometimes helps my headaches)…. yep, it is going to be a quiet one… for as much as I would like to be doing about a million things right now – One of the most important things in managing is to know when to STOP….

And today is one of those times that I need to pay attention to my body…

I have muscular pain, skeletal pain, nerve pain – and to top it all off, I have a nasty headache….

So while I am in bed, taking time to rest this poor body of mine… I hope that YOU are taking time out of your day to listen to YOUR body and to give it what it is asking for!!
